Track a document

  • Click on the MANAGE at the top. The Manage page is your central location for managing your envelopes and envelopes that share with you. This page lists all of your envelopes. You can easily review status, access your files, create folders, search for a specific envelope, and perform additional actions, like resending or correcting.
Docusign homepage with manage in the top ribbon highlighted


  • On the left hand side, use QUICK VIEWS to filter by common envelopes categories:

    • Action Required to view envelopes awaiting your actions, which you need to either sign or view.
    • Waiting for Others to view envelopes that has at least one recipient who has yet to complete their action.
    • Expiring Soon to view in process envelopes that are due to expire within six days.
    • Completed to view envelopes that all recipients have completed their actions.
DocuSign quick views options highlighted


  • Select an envelope based on their status to view its detailed status. You will see a list of recipients with the status of each recipients' signature. A green check mark indicates that the recipient has completed their action. 
Example of status of an envelope in DocuSign